Recent show aims to offer latest in 'green' products

Showgoers at Greenbuild, held in Boston from Nov. 19-21, came to see a wide range of "green" building products and systems from nearly 1,200 exhibitors.

Ecore's 'Stars'

Ecore promoted its new line of ECOstars ECOsurfaces flooring with a copy of Guitar Hero playing at its booth. Here, two showgoers take their turn at the game while others look on.

Antron's 'non-booth'

Henning Bloech, global sustainability director for Invista, mans his company's Antron "non-booth concept" exhibit at Greenbuild. The booth was designed to be as environmentally friendly as possible -- including using no electricity, featuring no walls or built structures, and ensuring that all carpets were shipped in from nearby Boston-area facilities.

Tandus touts PVB content

Russell "Rusty" Joyce, sr. vp sales for Tandus, holds up two jars of polyvinyl butyral (PVB), a post-industrial component of automotive glass used in making Tandus' "green" products.