The 2011 Bathroom Blogfest, now in its sixth year, brings together 33 bloggers from the U.S., Canada, Dubai and the UK to address the theme “Climbing Out.” Between Oct. 24-28, experts in marketing, customer experience and service, public relations, library sciences, museums, home & interior design, life, retail, building materials and flooring will call attention to improving the overall bathroom experience for end users via their 34 blogs blogs during Bathroom Blogfest 2011.
“We were inspired to use the Climbing Out theme by the sewer pot of mixed economic signals, unfocused political agendas, and undifferentiated conventional experiences that surround us globally,” said Christine B. Whittemore, chief simplifier of Simple Marketing Now, Kinnelon, N.J., who manages the Bathroom Blogfest. “By calling attention to inspired examples of ‘climbing out,’ we can reinforce the value associated with being creative and responsive to specifiers, clients, patrons and consumers.”
The Bathroom Blogfest began in 2006 as the brainchild of Stephanie Weaver,Experienceologyauthor and consultant, and Susan Abbott, business consultant and consumer researcher in Toronto. “They wanted to generate awareness for bloggers passionate about the customer experience at a time when blogging was more experimental. The Bathroom Blogfest created a forum for focusing on end-user related experiences that often get overlooked,” added Whittemore. “As an event it builds relationships and conversations about an intensely compelling topic and demonstrates how universal the relevance and appeal is regardless of the industry.”
In honor of Bathroom Blogfest 2011, Whittemore and fellow participant Nora DePalma, principal of O’Reilly/DePalma, Atlanta, will co-host #KBTribeChat, a weekly Twitter discussion for kitchen and bath industry companies and professionals, on Wednesday, Oct. 26 from 2 to 3 p.m. EST. The Twitter chat will explore ‘Climbing out and rethinking the bathroom.’
For more information about the blogfest, visit www.BathroomBlogfest.com. Follow Bathroom Blogfest on Twitter @BathroomBlogfes, look for the tag “#BathroomEXP” on Twitter or ‘Like’ on Facebook (www.facebook.com/BatrhoomBlogfest).
Participating bloggers for the Bathroom Blogfest ’11 include:Arpi Nalbandian- @TileEditor -TILE MagazineEditor Blog;Susan Abbott- @susanabbott - Customer Experience Crossroads;Paul Anater- @Paul_Anater - Kitchen and Residential Design;Shannon Bilby- @shannonbilby – From The Floors Up;Toby Bloomberg- @TobyDiva - Diva Marketing;Laurence Borel- @blogtillyoudrop - Blog Till You Drop;Bill Buyok- @AventeTile - Avente Tile Talk Blog;Jeanne Byington- @jmbyington - The Importance of Earnest Service;Becky Carroll- @ bcarroll7 - Customers Rock!;Katie Clark- @practicalkatie - Practical Katie;Nora DePalma- @noradepalma - O’Reilly DePalma: The Blog;Paul Friederichsen- @pfriederichsen - The BrandBiz Blog;Tish Grier- @TishGrier - The Constant Observer;Elizabeth Hise- @EHise - Flooring The Consumer;Diane Kazan– @dkazan - Urban Design Renovation;Joseph Michelli- @josephmichelli - Dr. Joseph Michelli’s Blog;Veronika Miller- @Modenus - Modenus Blog;David Polinchock- @Polinchock - Polinchock’s Ponderings;Professor Toilet- @ProfessorToilet - American Standard’s Professor Toilet;David Reich- @davidreich - My 2 Cents;Victoria Redshaw & Shelley Pond- @scarletopus - Scarlet Opus Trends Blog;Sandy Renshaw- @purplewren - Purple Wren;Bethany Richmond- The Carpet and Rug Institute Blog - www.carpet-and-rug-institute-blog.com;Bruce Sanders- RIMtailing - rimtailing.blogspot.com;Paige Smith– Neuse Tile Service Blog - neusetile.wordpress.com;Stephanie Weaver- @experienceology - Experienceology;Christine B. Whittemore- @cbwhittemore – Content Talks Business Blog, Simple Marketing Blog, The Carpetology Blog, Smoke Rise & Kinnelon Blog;Ted Whittemore- @TedWhittemore – Working Computers -Chris Woelfel- @tileexperts – Artcraft Granite, Marble & Tile Co.;Patty Woodland- @BrokenTeepee - Broken Teepee;Denise Lee Yohn- @deniseleeyohn – brand as business bites; andEmily Hooper- @FCNewsMag –Floor Covering NewsBlog.