Q.E.P. Co., Inc. employees, along with their families and friends, joined with the veterans residing at the Stand Down House on Oct. 22 to renovate several buildings and refresh the exterior landscaping. Stand Down House assists and houses homeless veterans who are struggling to return to ‘civilian’ life.

During the renovation the media room, dining room and offices of the Stand Down House were painted and more than 1,600 square feet of new flooring was laid.  Outside, more than 625 linear feet of concrete edging was installed, twelve large flower beds were weeded and over 300 cubic feet of mulch added and trees were pruned.  The group also joined together to replace the broken concrete stops in the parking lot and restripe the entire parking area.   

“One of QEP’s core values is to honor those who have served our country,” said Len Gould, QEP president.  “The Stand Down House was in need of a lot of basic repair and remodeling.  This is our business and we were happy to help.  It says a lot about the commitment of QEP employees who volunteered to make this happen last Saturday.”

Casimiro H. Crocket, PHD, Development & Administrative Director of Faith*Hope*Love*Charity, Inc. that oversees the Stand Down House, expressed the grateful appreciation of the veterans who reside at the Stand Down House.

  “This was an amazing transformation of our housing units and property that created enthusiasm and joy in our veterans and a real expression of care and love for every veteran by QEP,” Crocket said.  

The renovation project was a coordinated effort with The Home Depot Foundation’s “Celebration of Service” Campaign, which is in the midst of a three-year veterans focus.  THD Foundation shared the costs of the renovation with Q.E.P. Co., Inc.