Key brands from CCA Global Partners, the nation’s largest floor covering cooperative, including Flooring America, Flooring Canada, International Design Guild (IDG) and The Floor Trader, gather in Phoenix at conneXtion, a branded annual meeting that connects more than 600 independent floor covering retailers.
Founded in 1980 by several prominent industry figures, led by the late industry icon and Hall of Famer, Walter Guinan, FCIF is dedicated to financially assisting any person involved in the floor covering industry—from installer up to mill CEO and everyone in between—who experience catastrophic illness, severe disabilities or other life-altering hardships.
While attracting and selling consumers of today is still priority No. 1 for retailers, technology and the way society now communicates means there is an opportunity to build relationships with tomorrow’s flooring shoppers.
With one of its largest gatherings for a summer convention in recent years, Carpet One Floor & Home executives, along with those from its parent company, CCA Global Partners, not only celebrated but demonstrated to their members the power that can be garnered from partnerships.
Flooring America/Flooring Canada, a division of CCA Global Partners brings the soft Tigressà Cherish carpet to its stores throughout North America this spring.