QFloors unveiled new products, features and technologies at The International Surfaces Event (TISE) aimed at helping flooring dealers run their businesses more efficiently and profitably.

With a new close partnership with Measure Square Corp., signed in October, QFloors has developed even better integration to MeasureSquare's flooring estimating software products. The QFloors ERP software system and the MeasureSquare takeoff estimating system work together to provide a seamless mobile solution, from initial measure to final payment.

Utilizing this enhanced integration, along with other innovative technology tools, QFloors created its new Mobile Office Suite. Office Suite allows floor covering dealers to--in essence--take their office with them to the job site or customer's home. While in the past, there were mobile products allowing certain tasks and connections, it was limited and sometimes slow. The new Office Suite makes it possible to effortlessly move through the following steps, without stepping away from the customer's home or job site: measuring and estimation; checking stock, both at the store and with select manufacturers and distributors; creating the proposal; 4) emailing the proposal/invoice to customers; capturing a signature; swiping or inserting credit cards with a portable processor for down payment (at the much lower "card present" rate); saving and encrypting a token for that credit card to be used for the balance later; and scheduling the installation.

"Customers already using the Mobile Suite products say it's a game changer for them," said Chad Ogden, president and owner of QFloors. "They are telling me it's dramatically affected close rates, receivables, credit card costs, and even customer complaints."

New commercial-friendly additions to QFloors also generated a lot of enthusiasm at TISE, with customers and prospects alike. Ogden remarked that these advances are a result of working closely with existing QFloors commercial flooring dealers.

"We listened to their needs and wish lists, and ended up adding 20 new features to enhance the commercial project experience in QFloors,” he said. “We made it possible to treat commercial work and retail work completely separate from one another, for those floor covering dealers who do both. The reports are calculated differently, depending upon commercial or retail. We created a new dashboard that helps you see all of the projects going on at the same time. We've also added new updated reporting, new AIA reporting, and several other finesses that just make QFloors ERP software much more commercial-friendly."

Finally, QFloors officially released the first edition of QPro POS+, the cutting edge 100% browser-based cloud software. While cloud technology has been around for quite some time, QPro represents a different, vanguard technology called "full stack, open source" software. Unlike other programs that offer select features on web pages, but the full suite in a traditional program, the QFloors’ software program runs completely in a web browser.

Ogden explained, "The best way to discern whether you are being sold new or old cloud technologies is to ask this one simple question, "Does your full software solution run in a web browser, or do I have to minimize or exit the web browser to access some of the features of your application?" If you have to get out of the browser to complete certain tasks, it is the older technology."

Benefits of this new type of cloud technology include: lower operating and material costs; greater device independence; easier customization; more flexibility and compatibility (now and in the future); easier third-party integration, and enhanced security and redundancy.

The explanation that all current QFloors customers will eventually be grandfathered into the software at no additional cost was met with great excitement at the software company's training held the day before TISE. "Not only will these customers not have to pay for upgrades, but they also will actually typically have costs decrease, as some of these IT and licensing fees go away,” Ogden said.

The transition to the new cloud technology is requiring an unprecedented amount of time and resources for the flooring software company, but Ogden maintains it is worth the sacrifice: "It's where the future is headed. It's what's best for our customers. It's the right thing to do."

For more information, visit qfloors.com.