Confindustria Ceramica and EdiCer SpA would like to confirm that Cersaie, the world's largest exhibition of ceramic tile and bathroom furnishings, is scheduled to take place as planned from September 28 to October 2, 2020. The show organizers are monitoring the current global health emergency and working hard to make sure that Cersaie will remain a lively international hub for innovation and design. To that effect, we are excited to introduce the Contract Hall in Pavilion 18, a new initiative for Cersaie 2020 that will present a range of commercial products and host special programming for contract professionals.

The health of every individual and our community at large is always our first priority. In this moment, our thoughts are with those sick with COVID-19 as well as their families, and our deepest gratitude goes to the extraordinary people at the Sistema Sanitario Nazionale and the Protezione Civile, who are on the front lines working tirelessly day and night to solve this global problem.

The difficult measures taken by the Italian government and respectfully followed through by its citizens are truly the right course of action for containing the mass spread of the virus at this time. Italy is not alone: as many countries have been battling this same virus and others will be following in this same path in the coming months. We have pulled together with a unified and unprecedented international commitment to solve this emergency and face the economic consequences together as a result.

Everyone within their job and daily life must contribute, however small, to this massive global effort. In this difficult year, the show management team and the entire Italian ceramic tile industry are working together so that Cersaie, which will be September 28 to October 2, 2020, can remain a global home for innovation and design. The Cersaie team is strictly following proper “social distancing” rules and all staff are working from home. With a robust line-up of exhibitors, show management is pleased to announce a new initiative for 2020, the Contract Hall in Pavilion 18. This new exhibition space will present a range of commercial products and be a busy hub for programming and meeting points for commercial professionals.

Cersaie’s website,