Ceramic tile and installation materials manufacturers have stepped up to support tile installers who pass the installer certification test administered by the Ceramic Tile Education Foundation (CTEF). Together, the companies participating in CTEF’s “It Pays To Be Certified” program are providing coupons for free product to offset the $295 registration price for certification testing. CTEF Certified Tile Installers (CTIs) will be able to select the coupons they want, up to $900, and cash them in at any distribution outlet that carries the products selected.

Created by CTEF executive director Scott Carothers, this incentive-based program is a grassroots, cooperative effort among industry leaders to support good installers and the contractors who employ them.

“A number of manufacturers are poised to start promoting the use of certified installers for their products, because they have validated their skills and proven they can do the job right,” says Carothers. “Manufacturers are supporting our coupon program to help get the better quality installers into the CTI system. Their sales representatives can then start recommending that customers use CTEF Certified Tile Installers to ensure they get a qualified professional.” A number of leading manufacturers will soon begin making these recommendations.

For more information about CTEF certification testing or training courses, visit www.tilecareer.com, call (864) 222-2131, or email info@tilecareer.com.