Allen Hunter
Joe Sill
Allen Hunter has been appointed to the position of channel manager, SPD. He comes to Laticrete from Universal Building Products, where he was general manager of the firm’s chemical division for eight years. Based in Kansas City, Hunter’s responsibilities in part include identifying new opportunities for the Specialty Products Division. “I’ll be working closely with our sales force and concurrently, keeping close tab on what the market dictates,” Hunter stated. “Through these channels, potential new initiatives will surface. Once decisions are made relative to these, our focus will be to implement the most intelligent and accelerated methods to bring them to market.”
Joseph Still, SR, BSCE joins the Specialty Products Division as a technical service representative, covering the southeastern region of the United States. Working out of Tampa, Florida he previously was a principal at CS3 Consultants. Prior to that, he was executive vice president at Proflex Products, Inc. He brings to Laticrete more than two decades of experience and success in technical sales and marketing of building materials. “I am excited about my new post with a world-class company such as Laticrete,” Still declared. “I’ve known Laticrete people and products for years and always have respected the firm’s focus and overall professionalism.”
“Both Allen Hunter and Joe Still bring a great deal of experience, creativity and energy to our company,” said John Striednig, Director of the Specialty Products Division. “Their respective backgrounds which extend across many disciplines of construction are of great value to Laticrete. We look forward to their contributions.”