Pictured left to right: Mark Wallace, James Hardie; Jonathan Scott, Laticrete; Larry Horton, Schluter Systems, Real Bourdage, MAPEI Corporation; and Reeve Haldeman, Custom Building Products.
Clear Seas Research, the research arm of BNP Media, presented the CLEARselect awards to the 2011 Tile & Stone Installation Contractor CLEAReport category winners during Surfaces.
Award winners were selected based on survey responses from 672 tile & stone installation contractors that participated in a mail/online survey. Category winners were selected based on responses to the question, “Which one manufacturer do you most prefer?” All winners had to dominate the category from a statistical perspective. If two manufacturers achieved statistically equal preference, no winner was declared.
Winners were: Backer Boards for Floor Tile, James Hardie; Backer Boards for Wall Tile, James Hardie; Cement-Based Mortars, MAPEI; Cleaners, Custom Building Products; Crack Isolation Products, Schluter Systems; Epoxy Grouts, Laticrete; Organic Adhesives, MAPEI; Sealers, Custom Building Products; Sound Reduction Materials, Laticrete; and Tools, Marshalltown.