Houzz Affiliation Badges along with some of the industry’s leading trade associations, nonprofits and academic institutions, is a new program that enables professionals on Houzz to add badges to their profiles showcasing their affiliation with organizations.

The program enables home building, remodeling and design professionals on Houzz to add badges to their profiles showcasing their affiliation with organizations including the local and national associations where they receive ongoing professional support and advocacy, the academic institutions they attended and the nonprofits they support. For these partner organizations, the badges provide a powerful channel for educating consumers and raising awareness among the broader Houzz community, according to Liza Hausman, vice president of community, Houzz.

“Houzz has transformed the home remodeling and design industry by connecting people with an incredibly diverse group of home improvement professionals, brands and industry organizations, from the hyper-local, to the national and even global,” said Hausman. “Houzz Affiliation Badges enhance this ecosystem by providing a way for industry organizations and schools, as well as their members, to more deeply engage and educate the Houzz community and build their brands.”

Launch partners for Houzz Affiliation Badges include national trade associations, local trade association chapters, design schools and nonprofits.

According to Hausman, the badges provide a gateway for consumers and other professionals in the Houzz community to learn more about each organization. Each badge links to a profile page in which people can find more detailed information, including articles and other educational content developed by the organization, as well as a directory of that organization’s community members. Coming soon, home professionals will be able to easily add their affiliation badges to their websites powered by Houzz Site Designer.

Read more about Houzz Affiliation Badges here.