The World Floor Covering Association (WFCA) has launched its digital and mobile application, the WFCA Flooring Gallery. According to the association, the Gallery is designed to engage consumers by providing access to thousands of flooring room scenes making it easy and inviting for users to explore and indulge in today’s flooring options in every category.

With thousands of consumers visiting WFCA’s website each month, the room scene image gallery is an extension of the organization's digital and mobile media presence. Through extensive market research spanning over a decade, it was clear to executives at WFCA that consumers want access to information that can help them feel more confident and more informed about their purchasing decisions involving flooring. The WFCA Flooring Gallery, with its user-friendly interface was the perfect vehicle to expand where leaves off by providing access to thousands of inspirational images of every type of floor.

Images in the Gallery are categorized in multiple ways to facilitate consumer usage. Users can search by flooring type—including carpet, hardwood, laminate, vinyl, ceramic, stone and area rugs; room type including bedroom, living room, kitchen, dining room, great room, foyer, study or bathroom, and design style—traditional, contemporary or modern. The Gallery extends the user's visual discovery by allowing her to collect and share via social media applications like Pinterest and Houzz.

“The WFCA Gallery offers access to a consolidated library of imagery like no other site on the web,” said Scott Humphrey, WFCA's CEO. “It is designed to expand awareness of all the different, beautiful flooring options and looks that are available. Since the WFCA is not a manufacturer we have no agenda, no bias, and we are not pushing any particular products.

“Our goal is to provide a place where consumers can visually explore our beautiful category,” Humphrey added. “I am confident that this Gallery is a win-win situation for everyone. Manufacturers that participate and submit artwork receive back-end promotion and exposure with audiences they might not otherwise reach. The consumer has access to imagery that will stimulate the design process, help them visualize their flooring projects and ultimately feel more confident about their decisions.”

Imagery for the Gallery has been and continues to be supplied by flooring manufacturers from across the country and overseas. According to Humphrey, the WFCA has no restrictions on who can submit imagery. Each image featured in the gallery includes the manufacturer’s name and product name—including color and format.

To view the WFCA Flooring Gallery, visit Companies interested in having their products featured in the WFCA Gallery can submit high resolution room setting shot artwork along with manufacturer name, product name and style to:, or send that material through DropBox sharing to the same address.