Solon, Ohio -- Tarkett announced the release of a new digital Life Cycle Cost Analysis (LCCA) tool for commercial flooring options.

According to Tarkett’s research, 92% of facility managers surveyed find Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) or LCCA to be key drivers in their decision making. The problem is that only 12% of those surveyed have actually conducted an LCCA.

There are several reasons for this discrepancy: there hasn’t been a reliable LCCA tool available; accurate cost analyses have been too time consuming; and managers have a general lack of knowledge and resources to conduct an analysis.

As a result of lack of testing, too often, the only financial information taken into account when making a commercial flooring selection is the initial purchase cost. This does not take into account the longer-term costs of installation, maintenance and premature replacement, which cause future budget constraints.

In response to this need, Tarkett has created a third-party assessed cost analysis tool that compares all types of commercial flooring, including product categories not currently offered by Tarkett. The tool includes a floor’s installed cost (national averages for product purchase, floor prep and installation costs), as well as maintenance costs, as calculated by The World Cleaning Industry Association (ISSA). The result is an unbiased cost analysis that helps facility managers feel confident in making informed purchase decisions.

Special features of the LCCA tool include the ability to: compare up to three flooring categories at a time; default to the national averages for flooring costs, or use the sliding scales to adjust to known local costs; send a PDF with LCCA results immediately via email; and request follow-up from a Tarkett representative. Phase II of the tool will also include a mobile application.

“Tarkett aims to create the easiest customer experience in the industry," said Jeremy Salomon, Director, segment strategy for Tarkett North America. "We know that’s a tall order, but when we see a clear need like this, we get to work. The LCCA tool will help our sales team answer important questions about flooring options. But more importantly, it’s going to make our customers’ lives easier, by giving them the information they need with just a few quick clicks of the mouse. We’re really excited to offer this solution.”

The tool can be accessed at

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