Continuing the focus on environmental concerns in its consumer marketing, Shaw is offering a new in-store kiosk designed to educate shoppers about carpet recycling. In addition, the company said it will add separate environmental pages to its residential website,, beginning June 15. Visitors seeking additional information can link to the company’s corporate environmental website,

“Consumers are clearly interested in environmental issues today,” explained John Bradshaw, director of post-consumer carpet collection for Shaw. “Our research, in fact, indicates that 88% are interested in learning about eco-friendly products. In light of that, it’s really not a surprise that retailers would want to take advantage of the heightened awareness today.”

The new in-store merchandising material is designed to call attention to the recycling capability of Shaw’s Anso nylon and other Nylon 6 carpets through the company’s Evergreen Nylon Recycling plant in Augusta, Ga. The material builds on the “I want a floor” theme used in its national ad effort. One in-store banner, for example, says “I want a floor that helps to keep up to 300 million pounds of carpet from landfills each year.” Others point out additional environmental benefits found in Shaw’s collection and recycling efforts.

Kathy Young, Shaw’s creative director, noted that the new marketing material addresses a clear need. “Retailers across the country, but especially in areas that are very environmentally aware, are hungry for green merchandising that will attract and educate customers.”  She noted that the Pacific Northwest is an example where environmental issues are particularly important.