Troy, Mich. – BNP Media, parent company ofNational Floor Trends,has entered into a partnership with Mike Rowe, host of cable showDirty Jobs,to supply blogs for hisTrades Hub website. The site is dedicated to championing the cause of the skilled trades.
Trades Hub is a portal Web site that posts content from across the skilled trades spectrum, including building, construction, remodeling, heavy construction and subcontractor niches. Trades Hub currently represents 24 trade industries and covers 58 different topics, varying from safety and insurance to social media and education.
Rowe has “apprenticed” at nearly 300 job sites during the course of hosting Dirty Jobs. Through those experiences, combined with a legacy of a carpenter grandfather, Rowe developeda passion for the skilled trades.
A big component of Trades Hub is the addition of hundreds of blogs written to help trades folk become better and their jobs, run their companies more efficiently, and develop the next generation of skilled trades workers.
This new platform brings together even more experts from such trade fields, includingconstruction,plumbing, andHVAC. Many blogs are being supplied by BNP Media.