In an effort to make entry into the program more streamlined and user friendly for wood flooring manufacturers that practice responsible forestry, the National Wood Flooring Association has revised its Responsible Procurement Program certification process, adding the support of consultant Jason Grant, who guided the development of the program.  The procedures for getting through the audit process the first time is complex, and this support will help members successfully launch the process.

In addition, the ease of entry has also been improved with the creation of two customized tool kits that provide detailed guidance on preparing for NWFA RPP audits and FSC chain of custody and controlled wood audits.  One toolkit provides guidance for wood flooring manufacturers; the second provides guidance for hardwood sawmills.

“It’s estimated that about 90% of the world’s forests are not certified,” says NWFA CEO, Michael Martin.  “This creates a real problem for our industry to prove its products come from renewable sources, even though nearly all of the timber our members use comes from U.S. renewing forests.  This is the purpose that the RPP serves – to provide a tangible way to measure and promote best environmental practices, rather than just creating another green initiative not based on tangible proof.”

“FSC certification is recognized throughout the world as the pinnacle of forest certification programs, and yet many privately held forests are unable to achieve FSC certification for a variety of reasons.  The NWFA’s RPP program helps to bridge that gap by providing measurable, achievable, recognizable goals for companies that are working toward FSC certification,” said NWFA RPP Governance Board Chairman Don Finkell, President of Anderson Hardwood Floors in Clinton, S.C.

Currently, five wood flooring manufacturers are certified under the NWFA’s RPP program.  They include industry leaders such as Anderson Hardwood Floors, Augusta Flooring, Mannington Hardwood Floors, Mullican Flooring, and Sheoga Hardwood Flooring & Paneling.  Several more companies are expected to complete the process of becoming RPP members by the end of the year.

More information about the NWFA’s RPP program is available on the NWFA’s web site at: www. .