Sponsors Jim Schumacher with 3M, Steve Crawford with DuraSeal, and Matt Crawford with Clarke American Sanders present a 2012 Harley-Davidson motorcycle to John Shepard with Carpet One Floor & Home in Panama City, Fla., at the NWFA’s 2012 Wood Flooring Expo.
The National Wood Flooring Association has announced that John Shepard with Carpet One Floor & Home in Panama City, Fla., is the winner of a new Harley-Davidson motorcycle, which was awarded at the NWFA’s 2012 Wood Flooring Expo in Orlando, Fla. The drawing was held during the Expo Closing Party held on April 12, during which more than $50,000 in prizes donated by exhibiting companies were awarded to Expo attendees. The motorcycle was sponsored by NWFA member companies 3M, Clarke American Sanders, and DuraSeal.
To be eligible for the drawing, each attendee needed to visit each of the three sponsors to have their entry validated. Shepard, who serves on several NWFA committees, was shocked as his name was drawn from all eligible attendees. “I thought he was joking,” Shepard said after Expo Sub-Chair, Jim Schumacher with 3M, announced Shepard’s name and presented him with a scale model of the Harley. “I thought, ‘Well, he fooled me,’ but then he told me it was real, and I couldn’t believe it.”
Shepard, whose wife is expecting a child soon, accepted a monetary equivalent for the prize and is extremely thankful to Harley sponsors 3M, Clarke American Sanders and DuraSeal for their generosity. “This will help us when the baby arrives,” he said.
The NWFA’s 2013 Wood Flooring Expo will be held in Dallas, April 2-5. For more information, visitwww.nwfaexpo.org.