MIA Employee HandbookThe Marble Institute of America (MIA) announced that its popular Employee Handbook toolkit has been added to the “Members' Area” of its website. The Employee Handbook toolkit is the 3rd of six toolkits from the MIA Management Toolkit series series that has been added to the website over the past several months. The remaining 3 will be posted in the next 6 months. The Management Toolkit Series provides customizable documents that assist business owners in improving and streamlining business operations.

“An employee handbook is a crucial communication tool between you and your employees; however, smaller companies often don't know where to begin. A well-written handbook sets forth expectations for employees, and describes what they can expect from your company. This guide will assist you in creating an employee handbook for your company,” said Helen Distelhorst, MIA human resources director.

"This toolkit ads another valuable document to the online library of references available only to MIA members on the MIA website," said Jeff Handley, MIA membership services manager.

The Employee Handbook toolkit offers you a collection of policy options for the development of an employee handbook, as well as guidance on writing style, content to include, review considerations, how to introduce handbooks to employees, what to avoid, and advantages of employee handbooks. There are also 106 different policies including new employee orientation, sick leave, attendance, and much more. Several options of each policy are provided offering a variety of language to fit the needs of individual stone companies. The forms are in word format and can be modified to meet your company's specific needs.

Companies who desire to obtain the Employee Handbook in a printed, binder format may order it from the MIA bookstore.

MIA members can access the documents by clicking “Members Login” on the top right of the MIA website. If you forgot your login information, click the “Forgot your login or password?” button and follow the directions. On the Members’ page, click “Customer & Sales Forms Toolkit” under “Documents and Publications”.