Cosentino has been working with Onfigr to produce two new panoramic visualizers that aim to revolutionize the digital experience for their customers in the KBB space—one tailored for kitchens and another for bathrooms.
Torlys has partnered with Roomvo to offer a suite of advanced features designed to simplify the flooring selection process for dealers and customers alike.
Materialo is an advanced visualization tool that empowers flooring retailers and manufacturers to present their products in a highly interactive and realistic manner.
Sherwin-Williams High Performance Flooring Visualizer allows architects, designers and contractors to easily explore an array of flooring options – from standard designs to personalized blends – and tailor them to their project needs.
Floor option visualizers help customers save money and time while bringing the fun factor to selection-making, improving the experience for them and reinforcing and advancing the sale for you.
This includes a responsive design, so visitors get the best experience on desktops, tablets and mobile. An easy to navigate menu system guides different target audiences quickly to Starnet programs, and services.
AHF Products, a manufacturer of hard surface flooring in North America, has partnered with Embello, Inc., a marketing platform dedicated to the home and design industry, to showcase 12 top designers' fantasy rooms in its second annual virtual showhouse, Living by Design.
Although the residential replacement business has been slower for many flooring retailers this year, now is the time to invest in technologies that will help you make the most of every sales opportunity.
Alliance Flooring has partnered with Roomvo, the leading visualization tool in the interior design space, to provide their membership with visualization tools, custom websites, lead capture, and their brand new, in-store digital kiosk.