Anderson Hardwood Floorshas hiredMike Beaversas senior vp marketing and merchandising, a newly created role. Beavers will oversee marketing and merchandising efforts for Anderson. Beavers holds more than 25 years' experience in the industry, most recently at Edge Flooring in Dalton, Ga., as well as Shaw Industries' Hard Surfaces division.

Krista Elliason
Couristanhas promotedLen Andolinoto national sales manager for the residential broadloom division. Previously he was a residential sales manager for the company. A 20-year veteran of the industry, Andolino has also held positions with 828 International and Stanton Carpet.

Len Andolino
TheDixie Group Inc.has namedCraig Lapeerepresident of Fabrica and vp of the Dixie Group. He succeedsTodd Vande Hei, who resigned in December. Previously, Lapeere was president of Dixie's Masland Residential Division.Daniel "Kennedy" Frierson, Jr.has been tapped to succeed Lapeere as president of Masland's residential business.

Lauria Grogan Lyza
Beno J. Gundlach Co.has appointedPat Summervillenational sales manager. He will be based out of the Belleville, Ill., headquarters. Summerville holds 20 years' experience in the industry.
LaticretesalespersonRon Nashhas been recognized by Inland Northwest Distributing as its Outstanding Vendor Sales Representative for 2005. Nash's territory includes Utah, Wyoming, Idaho, Montana and parts of Washington. He handily exceeded his sales goals with support from his regional sales managerMatt Sparkmanand the Inland Northwest Distributing sales team.
Mullican Flooringhas addedKim Keysto the customer service department at the company's Johnson City, Tenn., headquarters. She will manage sales accounts for several territories. She has 18 years' experience in the hardwood flooring industry.
Kronotex USAhas brought several new staffers on board its sales and marketing team. They include:Keith Wiethe, marketing manager; andRobert Tucci, Jr. , senior regional sales manager for the Northeast. Other new sales managers areCraig Cady, for the Southeast region, andCharles Leedy, for the Midwest.

Philip "Jeff" Micalizzi
TheTile Council of North Americahas also tappedPhilip "Jeff" Micalizzito direct TCA Team LLC, a wholly owned subsidiary of the council. TCA Team offers pre-construction consulting and on-site inspections across the United States. Micalizzi holds 27 years' experience in ceramic tile and stone installation.

Neal Cooper