Stainmaster carpets and carpets made using Antron fiber have been shown to offer up to 40 percent lower energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions than most competitive carpets, according to life cycle analyses and performance testing commissioned by Invista. The LCA results reflect the eco-profiles of Invista’s manufacturing processes for Antron and Stainmaster carpet fibers and the length of time these products perform from installation to removal.   

“Invista commissioned the LCAs and combined the results with carpet performance data because we feel this helps our customers better understand the environmental benefits of our products,” said Bobby Berrier, newly appointed global sustainability director for Invista’s Performance Surfaces & Materials business.  “Combining third-party cradle-to-gate LCAs with our carpet performance studies helps provide a clearer view of these products’ potential environmental impact.”

The data was derived from real-world performance testing of Antron and Stainmaster carpets versus the majority of competitive carpets in their respective markets. These test results were then combined with an eco-profile of Invista’s manufacturing processes developed by Boustead Consulting & Associates Ltd., a third-party consultant in environmental life-cycle evaluations. The eco-profile was developed in accordance with ISO 14040 standards for conducting life-cycle analyses.

According to Bernard R. Yaros, vice president of Boustead Consulting & Associates Ltd., “Invista should be proud of the environmental leadership it is taking in the flooring industry. Pursuing complex third-party LCA audits like this in order to substantiate its environmental claims prior to them going to market is something a lot of companies don’t do, and it should be applauded.”