The Long Island Floor Covering Association (LIFCA) will be offering EPA Lead RRP Renovator Initial Training, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Sept. 30 at Total Supply Inc., 950 Old Medford Ave., in Medford, N.Y. LIFCA is partnering with the New York Rug Cleaners Association (NY RUG) to offer the required training and certification exam so members can comply with the new law regarding lead-safe work practices.

The all-day program, presented by the National Asbestos and Environmental Technology Institute, will include classroom and hands-on training, followed by a short written test for certification that is good for five years. Cost is $225 for LIFCA and NY RUG members, and $325 for everyone else. WFCA members are eligible for a 50 percent trade scholarship, but they must apply by Aug. 30.

For more information, call Arnold Graff at (516) 672-0929. To register, clickhere.