Laticretehas appointedAdrian Riveraas Technical Services Representative. Based in the Bethany, Conn., headquarters, Rivera most recently worked for Ferazzoli Imports of New England, a tile distributor located in nearby Middletown. At that post, he worked in various capacities, all focusing in some way on customer service. Prior to that period, he worked a number of years in Florida at Gulf Tile Distributors.
“We are very fortunate to have a tile industry professional like Adrian Rivera onboard,” stated Arthur Mintie, Laticrete Director of Technical Services. “Not only does he know our industry and have a great understanding of customer service, he comes to Laticrete with a great understanding of our product line and concepts, a valuable benefit to our customers.”
“I am really excited about this new position,” Rivera exclaimed. “Working at the distribution level gave me great insight into most all of the products and suppliers to the tile industry. Laticrete has always been superior in professionalism, so when the opportunity arose to join the company, I knew what a good opportunity it would be for me.”