Environmental Design + Construction (EDC)has announced that the U.S. Green Building Council (USGBC) has namedEDC“The Official Magazine for the LEED Professional.” This partnership has developed from a 15-year partnership betweenEDCand USGBC.EDCwill now be available for free to all 96,000+ LEED APs with specialty and LEED Green Associates.
“The U.S. Green Building Council’s partnership withEDCwill help us provide quality content and education to our network of LEED APs and LEED Green Associates,” said Taryn Holowka, VP, Marketing & Communications, USGBC. “We look forward to working closely withEDCon this new endeavor and the promising opportunities it will bring to the LEED Professional community.”
The goal of the new partnership is to provide superior information and education to help advance USGBC’s mission and to help LEED Professionals to succeed in the design, construction, remodeling, operations and maintenance of the sustainable built environment. With this development,EDCwill be providing even more content to assist the LEED professional, including columns from LEED Fellows, international LEED project features, rating system updates and credentialing maintenance opportunities, including monthly continuing education articles.
“EDChas been a proud and active member of USGBC since the magazine launched in 1997,” notedEDCPublisher Diana Brown. “As the only monthly green building magazine, we’re excited about this partnership - to be able to reach the entire LEED professional audience with LEED news, information, projects and most importantly, education. The LEED professional is the cornerstone of a sustainable built environment. LEED Professionals with specialty, as well as LEED Green Associates and the LEED Fellows, are involved in all aspects of the project, from the charettes, design, specifications and construction, to continued building operations and maintenance.”
Part of BNP Media and headquartered in Troy, Mich.,EDCengages a readership spanning a range of green building disciplines including architects, designers, specifying engineers, facility managers and building owners/developers every month.EDC’seditorial is produced by a dedicated staff including editor Derrick Teal, associate editor Laura Zielinski and associate publisher and former member of the USGBC board of directors Michelle Hucal, a LEED AP (since 2004). The editorial staff is guided by a highly knowledgeable group of industry experts representing a cross section ofEDC’starget audience, according to the magazine.
A redesign of the publication to reflect this new agreement will be unveiled in May 2012. To learn more or subscribe toEDC,visitwww.EDCmag.com/LEED.