pH Living has designed a test home in Quakertown, Pa, on a 16-acre lot. The company designs, manufactures and installs healthy factory housing that caters to people with chemical sensitivities and the environmentally conscious, according to pH Living. The company is headed by designer Douglas Busch.

The test home has been certified by independent trained Building Biologists to the IBE Healthy Home Standard. Prior to delivery, the unit is checked for volatile organic compounds (VOCs), energy efficiency, formaldehyde, mold, electromagnetic radiation (EMR), communications frequency pollution, and radiation.  

The homes can be customized to be 100% self-sustaining. The homes are produced in factories with non-contaminating construction protocols by highly trained personnel to ensure quality while eliminating pollutants, inclement weather, and material waste issues, pH Living noted.

The test unit can be rented for up to a week' stay. Following a successful stay in the test unit people can order a home of their own. For further information, contact pH Living at (310) 457.5477 or