Mannington Commercial has announced the launch of a carpet collection designed by Los Angeles designer Athena Abrol, a 2010 Grand Prize Winner of the tx:style design challenge.
tx:style II uses gradations of color and texture, along with a proprietary innovation in variable space dye yarn to create random bursts of high luster color, according to the company. Available in 14 colorways and as both broadloom and modular, the collection's three patterns – Blue Matrix, Mainframe and Off the Grid – are suited for education, retail and corporate projects.
As a collection developed entirely through the tx:style design challenge platform, the collection used an online submission site and voting platform to choose Abrol's design as one of two Grand Prize Winners from more than 500 entries. The other 2010 competition winner is Rainfall, a LVT collection from Los Angeles designer Laurel Harrison.
The collection's modular tile is backed with the Infinity modular backing system, which contains 30% recycled content – including 10% post consumer content reclaimed through Mannington's LOOP reclamation program. It is also available on Mannington's rEvolve, a vinyl alternative backing system for modular carpet, made of thermoplastic polyolefin. Containing 10% post consumer content and a renewable resource, rEvolve uses less virgin materials and energy to manufacture than most modular backings.
Ultrabac RE and Integra HP RE are high-performance backings for broadloom, each containing a minimum of 10% post-consumer content. All Mannington carpet backings are NSF/ANSI certified as Environmentally Preferable Products to the Platinum standard.
The tx:style design challenge invites architects and interior designers to think creativity about flooring products they wish were available in the market, and then make these products a reality. Submissions for tx:style 2012 are now open, atmanningtontxstyle.com.