Shaw Floors has launched its official presence on Pinterest, an online community that allows users to save photos by “pinning” them to theme boards that are shared with other users of the site. Having already established a network of nearly 70,000 engaged consumers on the Shaw Floors Facebook page, Shaw said it is excited to extend its social media outreach to Pinterest’s expanding base of more than 17 million users – the majority of which are women.

“With the extreme growth of Pinterest over the last several months, we felt it was important to establish a Shaw presence on the site so we can reach consumers where they are,” said Todd Callaway, manager of interactive marketing and media at Shaw Floors. “The visual nature of Pinterest makes it an ideal platform to showcase Shaw products. We’re excited to be one of the first flooring companies in the space and look forward to interacting with consumers on a new level.”

Shaw’s Pinterest page initially launched with eight design boards based on color and style themes with descriptive titles such as “Hue Can Do It (Teal),” “Man Cave,” “Bohemian Rhapsody” and “Ikat Explosion.” Incorporating flooring images as well as other room elements, Shaw’s Pinterest design boards also use images from fashion, nature and everyday life to create a complete illustration of each specific theme. The boards, which are constantly evolving, reflect a design method that Shaw employs when creating new carpet, hardwood, laminate, tile & stone, area rug and resilient products, the company noted.

“Pinterest offers us the unique opportunity to invite consumers into Shaw’s research and development process,” said Emily Morrow, Shaw’s director of color, style and design. “Before inventing new flooring looks, our design team travels the world in search of up-and-coming trends in home décor, fashion, art and more. We collect these ideas via pictures, swatches and samples, then capture the themes on palettes called mood boards, and refer to the boards for inspiration when creating new flooring styles, colors and textures. Shaw’s Pinterest design boards are online representations of these compilations. We hope consumers enjoy this ‘sneak peek’ at our process and will use the boards as inspiration for their own design projects.”

Shaw’s Pinterest pins include its own uploads as well as repins from other brands on the site, such as Nordstrom,Southern LivingandElle Décor.

To view Shaw’s Pinterest page, and Shaw Floors retailers can stay up-to-date on Shaw’s most recent pins by following Shaw on Pinterest or by following their favorite Shaw design boards.