The International Trade Commission (ITC) has scheduled its general vote on the petition for punitive duties on engineered flooring from China for Nov. 9. The Alliance for Free Choice and Jobs in Flooring (AFCJF) will be among those represented at the Commission’s ruling to hear the vote and will report on the outcome.
The formal announcement of the ITC decision with full comments, is expected to be released on Nov. 22. The decision will then be formalized by appearing in the Federal Registrar, which most observers expect to happen sometime after Nov. 27.
If the petition is affirmed, retroactive liability will be enforced on any imports that enter the country after that date. If the petition is denied, AD/CVD duties will no longer be collected on containers entering after that date, and containers previously imported can be liquidated and the AD/CVD duties collected on those containers will be returned to the importers.
Either side will have until approximately Dec. 22, to decide if they will appeal or not.
Jonathan Train, Alliance president, noted that AFCJF will host a conference call the week of Nov. 14 for primary members to discuss the effects of the vote and possible business impacts of the decision.