Ralph Boe, president and ceo of Beaulieu of America, has announced that Jeff Meadows, chief marketing officer and James Lesslie, chief operations officer have left the company effective immediately. Both executives have left to pursue other interests, according to Boe.
“Change is something that is inevitable,” observed Boe, “so like any company, we must adjust, do what’s necessary and move on. We thank them for their valued service and leadership to Beaulieu and wish them both very well.”
Boe acknowledged that this latest announcement follows stories about three facility closings in the last several weeks that has put the spotlight on Beaulieu. “It’s very important that people don’t read anything into all these recent events,” Boe stated. “These moves were necessary to adjust capacity with the market demand. Beaulieu now enters 2012 well positioned. We announced securing a $230 million loan refinance in October and we’re showing strong performance in several areas.”
The company points to its new HealthyTouch and CCA Global Resista Refresh lines placed into almost 6,000 dealers with the highest rate of sales for any launch in Beaulieu’s history. Additionally, Beaulieu’s STAINMASTER with Magic Fresh odor reducer is out-performing its previous STAINMASTER collection 2 to 1, Boe said. On the commercial side, Beaulieu is also seeing growth with both its Nexterra-backed modular tiles and Aqua in hospitality.
“We’ve got some exciting, innovative products that will be displayed prominently at Surfaces next year,” said Boe. “Many of the new products have received very positive reactions in previews with several dealers. And, we’ll continually look for improvements and efficiencies as we move forward in this economy. That’s our commitment to our dealers as their supplier of choice.”