Nora Systems, Inc. announces the launch of the noraXchange, an interactive online community for building and design professionals to share ideas and learn about a variety of topics. Updated monthly, the noraXchange is designed to help facility managers, architects, designers, installers and other building professionals address challenges and answer questions they encounter in their work.

“The noraXchange is a unique online resource for building professionals that provides our members with information that can assist them in their professions,“ said Amy Bostock, manager of marketing and creative services, nora. “We asked our customers what type of information they want from a manufacturer, and their feedback inspired the framework and content for the noraXchange.“

Each month members of the noraXchange will receive an email informing them about new topics available. Project briefs describing nora installations, industry news, a technical station that explores key installation and maintenance issues and a variety of other topics are just some of the potential subjects for members to explore.

“We are really excited about the opportunity the noraXchange presents to connect with our audience in new and meaningful ways,“ added Bostock. “The feedback we receive will allow us to customize the type of information that we communicate every month so we can consistently deliver content that is timely, engaging and applicable to the work of the noraXchange community.“

To join the noraXchange,