The concrete industry’s Strategic Development Council (SDC) has announced its upcoming Session #32 this fall to address several issues and initiatives facing the concrete industry.

The one-and-a-half-day meeting will be held at the Chateau Bonne Entente, in Quebec City, Quebec, Canada, Sept. 6-7.  Topics and highlights of the meeting will include presentations and discussions on:

· “Low COBinders”
· “Standard Specifications and Codes for Green Cements”
· Wind Turbine Towers
· Concrete in Nuclear Construction
· “Socially and Environmentally Responsible Aggregates”
· Technology Showcases
· And more

SDC membership consists of concrete industry leaders and exists to identify industry critical technologies and issues that affect the concrete community.  The organization creates and implements various strategies that facilitate an efficient and effective transition into these progressive concrete technologies.

 More information about the upcoming SDC meeting can be found at