Herbert A. Train, a pioneer in the floor covering industry, passed away Jan. 1 after an extended illness. He was 89.

Train founded Swiff-Train Company in 1937 to reprocess damaged or loose cotton. Following World War II, he expanded operations by exporting cotton steel ties to Mexico and used wire rope to the West Coast for the logging industry. Subsequently, he entered floor covering distribution.

Today, Swiff-Train and its affiliates are active in three major areas: the trading of new steel products and petroleum items; production and distribution, to about 35 countries, of vinyl floor tile and planks from the Far East; and operation of its multi-branch, full-line Texas floor covering distribution business.

Train was active in many organizations. He served on both the Regional and District Export Councils, and on the board of the National Association of Floor Covering Distributors (NAFCD). In 1974, he was invited to participate in the White House Conference on Inflation and, in 1984, was a participant in the White House Small Business Conference.

Although he retired from the day-to-day business in 1985, Train remained on the boards of the companies until his death. He is survived by wife Anne; sons Kenneth, L.A. and Jeffrey, all of whom are active in the business; seven grandchildren; and 11 great grandchildren.