Georgia Governor Sonny Perdue (right) accepts a customized Shaw rug bearing Georgia's state seal and the governor's signature from Vance Bell, Shaw's executive vp.

Describing Shaw Industries' energy conservation efforts as "innovative and creative," Georgia Governor Sonny Perdue recently visited the company's plant in Dalton, Ga., to offer his support for the ongoing effort. The governor singled out Shaw Plant 81 and the company's Waste to Energy (WTE) facility for praise. Using a process known as "gasification," the plant converts carpet and wood manufacturing waste to steam that helps power the plant. The company expects the process to power nearly 70 percent of Plant 81 and eventually save $2.5 million a year.

"Projects like these save, serve and give value to the state of Georgia," said Perdue. "I try to model the state government after these principles. This plant helps Shaw win by saving money and showing concern for the environment."

Gary Nichols, Shaw's energy manager, says the facility converts about 23,100 tons of carpet and wood waste per year. Shaw says it is the only facility of its kind in the United States.