Have you ever SWOTed your company? SWOT is the
most powerful technique I know to discover a company’s under-appreciated Strengths and hidden Weaknesses, and to
recognize its external Opportunities and Threats. (Hence the term, “SWOT”.)
After some contemplation, I began to see how. Success can
lull and it can mesmerize managers into continuing past practices while
ignoring emergent threats and opportunities. They act like deer frozen in their
tracks by bright lights. Some managers even become arrogant. Remember IBM? In
the 1980s, IBMers were so caught up it their own success that they believed
they could do no wrong. Why, in their 50-year history, they’d never laid off an
employee for down-sizing! Their arrogance led them to believe, “If we build it,
they will come.” Well, they built mainframes, but millions of consumers wanted
PC’s, and few came.
Complacency may be the biggest threat to successful
companies. In their famous 1982 book, titledIn Search of Excellence,
Tom Peters and Robert H. Waterman, Jr. described most successful
companies-their structures, missions, values and focus on customer service. The
authors recommended we emulate these companies. However, two years later nearly
half of these “excellent” companies had fallen into trouble. Why? My opinion:
complacency ruined their success.
Of course, I am not suggesting that youtossyour successful practices. Instead, I recommend that
you review them in light oftoday’sexternal Opportunities
and Threats.Only the vigilant thrive!
This month, January, is a perfect time to revisit the
company’s vision, mission, values and goals, and re-think strategies. I advise
you to hold an annual SWOT session with everyone in a small organization, or
with the executives of a larger company. Stage the retreat off-site if
You might want to introduce your strategy session with a
hint of chaos or a threat, which invites them toearnestlyconsider what they can do better. You want to introduce a tension thatshakes uptheir security anddiscomfitsemployees enough to want to change, without discouraging them. The right
tension, and right amount, we call “creative tension.” It’s “creative” in that
itstimulatesprogress. Consider this:
“A ship, like a human being, moves best when it is
slightly athwart the wind, when it has to keep its sails tight and attend its
course. Ships, like men, do poorly when the wind is directly behind, pushing
them sloppily on their way so that no care is required in steering or in the
management of sails; the wind seems favorable, for it flows in the direction
one is heading, but actually it is destructive because it induces a relaxation
in tension and skill. What is needed is a wind slightly opposed to the ship,
for then tension can be maintained, and juices can flow and ideas can
germinate, for ships, like men, respond to challenge.” James A.
Creative tension is how Mahatma Gandhi challenged the
British rule in India, and Martin Luther King challenged America’s legacy of
segregation. It’s how John F. Kennedy motivated the United States of America to
put a man on the moon. Creative tension motivates people to act.
You might begin your SWOT session by contrasting your
company’s current reality against yourvisionof its ideal
state. You need to describe a vision, foranalysiscan never
generate vision. “Many, who are otherwise qualified to lead, fail to
do so because they try to substitute analysis for vision. What they never grasp
is that the natural energy for changing reality comes from holding a picture of
what might be that is more important to people than what is.” (Peter
Senge, author ofThe Fifth Discipline).
Harvard University’s research has verified that thinking
long-term, (or in other words leading by vision) is the most important
determinant of success. If you can excite your employees to appreciate the
envisioned heights to which they can drive the company, they will likely feel
creative tension to upgrade today’s reality.
You can leadthemto describe your
company’s current reality by asking them seemingly basic questions, such as
“What business did we start in? Which businesses are wenowin? Which businesses are wenotin? Which businesses do we
wantto bein? What have we done especially well to get
here? What are we not doing well? For which customers do we have strong
competitors? For which ones do we have weak or no competitors? Which customers
require the most hand-holding? Which, the least? How much does that
hand-holding cost us? What else would customers pay us to do for them? Which
products excite our customers, and which ones bore them? Which products should
we add? Which should we drop? For which products do we have strong competitors?
And which have weak, or no competitors? Which services excite customers? Which
services bore them? How may we improve services? Which services should we add?
Which should we drop? Which hallmarks do ourcustomersthink
distinguish us from our competitors, and cause them tocraveto buy from us? How can we help employees do their jobs better? How can we
treat vendors better? What will it take to move us up to our vision?”
I ran a store for ten years. I never did anything like this.
The price I paid for ignoring this advice: I had no life. If you are too busy
to ponder these important questions, then I think you aretoobusy. In my experience, a good strategy-retreat
stimulates ideas that can enableyouto elevate your
business to your vision. (That’sfarbetter than letting it
drift …and end up whereveritstops.) A quote attributed to
the great philosopher Yogi Berra says it best: “If you don’t know where you are
going, you might end up some place else.” I predict you won’t like that place.
“You never will be the person you can be if pressure,
tension, and discipline are taken out of your life.” (James G. Bilkey) When you
bring your vision to fruition, other storeowners may say of you what the drunk
said about the two nuns who split apart and walked around him as he staggered
down the sidewalk, “Wow, how’d she do that?” The competition may be baffled but
you and I will know that the secret is spelled S-W-O-T.