Wools of New Zealand's pavilion included whimsical sheep displays.
Today's Surfaces pictures include Wools of New Zealand, American Biltrite, Bliss by Beaulieu, Crossville, MP Global Products, Tarkett, and MAPEI/APAC.

Charles Lamoureux, American Biltrite/Estrie marketing director, with the company's new TecCare peel and stick LVT line.

Bliss by Beaulieu earned the Best of New Product Marketplace Award for its Bliss Created carpet. The awards were voted on by the staffs of NFT, FCI and TILE. Pictured left to right are Diana Brown, BNP Media group publisher; Ralph Boe, president and ceo; Danny Wade, evp product development; and Carl Bouckaert, owner.

Lindsey Waldrep, Croosville's vp marketing, with the new Origins Glass line.

Jack Boesch, MP Global Products' marketing director, displays the new VersaWalk underlayment line for floating, nail and gluedown floors.

Tarkett's 2011 ReStart Award went to Academy Sports+Outdoors for recycling over 1 million pounds of flooring in the past three years through a partnership with Texan Floor Service. Pictured left to right are Jeff Krejsa, Tarkett vp marketing; Diane Martel, Tarkett vp environmental planning and strategy; Chuck Pogue, Academy exec director, construction & maintenance; Gilles de Beaumont, Tarkett commercial div. president; Kevin Tierney, Tarkett retail solutions specialist; and Jeff Hill, Texan Floor Service president/ceo.

Pictured is Rodney Nance of Flooring Solutions, Indian Trail, N.C., with his wife after being presented with a new chopper for winning the APAC Classic Performance Sweepstakes.