Pro-Floors Plus Selects High-Performance Tile Installation System for New Airport Construction

Northwest Florida Beaches International Airport, the nation’s first new international airport built since 9/11, opened on schedule with its first flight departing on May 23, 2010. The new 125,000-square-foot terminal features seven gates, and serves more than 500,000 passengers annually.  

After a lengthy bidding process, general contractor Walbridge Construction awarded the contract for installing the terminal’s 60,000 square feet of tile to Pro-Floors Plus, of Lynn Haven, Florida. Ron Perkins, president of Pro-Floors Plus, reviewed the specifications for the installation and was immediately concerned because the specs allowed for use of any ANSI 118.4 mortar. Knowing that an international airport terminal would see many decades of heavy traffic, Ron recognized that ANSI 118.4 alone represented a minimum A118.4 standard and that an upgrade to a premium installation system protected by a solid warranty would be necessary to ensure the long-term success of the job.

Ron consulted with their Daltile® representative for a recommendation for a high-performance mortar system that would yield far superior results with minimal cost increases. Daltile suggested that Ron speak with Daltile Building Products. After careful review, Custom recommended the following system:

• Crack Buster™ Pro Crack Prevention Mat Underlayment, for use on all above grade floors, and all on-grade saw-cut control joints

• MegaFlex® Crack Prevention Mortar for the entire floor installation, because of its ultra-high bond strength

• VersaBond® Fortified Thin-set Mortar was an effective, affordable choice for installing the wall tile

• MegaLite® Crack Prevention Mortar was suggested for the decorative glass tile due to its high bond strengths and non-slip performance.

• EBM-Lite™ Epoxy Bonding Mortar was used for installing pre-cast terrazzo on stair treads

• Prism® SureColor® Grout for all grouting

• Aqua Mix® sealers for terrazzo and grout

The biggest challenges on the project involved the logistics of working around other trades due to the compressed timeline. “Because so much was planned in advance and Custom was so helpful with technical experience, it really helped us avoid unexpected problems and really made the job go smoothly,” said Ron.  

“We’re proud of the partnership we created with Daltile and Custom Building Products on this ‘showcase’ project,” he continued. “This airport is personal for us – we’re local and we want to walk in there in 50 years and have it look like it does today. Thanks to the quality of the tile and the installation system, and the workmanship, we know it will.”